PWC Brazil Baixo Guandu 2022 - March 26 to April 2

The first competition to be cancelled when the world went to sleep in 2020 was the Baixo Guandu Super Final. For many, it was therefore essential to return once the sun returned to the beautiful country of Brazil.

Baixo Guandu conjures up many images: flying over gigantic black granite domes, followed by parties where you can enjoy barbecues at will. Baixo Guandu is one of the best places on earth to hold a competition, as it is a region full of incredible places to fly. It has been a favourite destination for the World Cup since its first visit in 2013. Subsequent competitions have been held there in 2015, 2018 and a very successful nine-round Super Final in 2019.

The varied terrain offers many options for both interesting and challenging rounds. The evolution area is mainly flatlands with hills, but there are also some low mountains. The main flying area is separated by the gentle and rather muddy meander of the Rio Doce.

The thermals are relatively large and not too strong, usually 2-3 m/s, and often marked by cloud. All this gives the pilot many options for transitions: go to the right side of the river and take off over the mountains, or to the left side over the plains?

For many, the mythical area to the north, near Pancas, is what paragliding fairy tales are made of. Pilots fly over an amazingly picturesque area, full of huge spires and granite blocks. Words have never been enough to describe the legendary natural monument of Pontões Capixabas. Many call it "Jurassic Park", others just shake their heads and laugh at such an amazing flying experience.

We hope to bring back the pilots, and bring back photos, memories, and a great podium.

Follow the drivers, comments, live tracking and standings at: In the photographer's paradise, we will publish many pictures in the media gallery on

The Kortel Design Team will consist of :

While we wait for the competition to start, here are some pictures to give you a taste of Brazil: /