Stéphane DROUIN

Stéphane DROUIN

Team competition

Originally from the Atlantic coast, he practiced sailing, funboarding, surfing... During a trip to Africa in 1991, he observed with envy a paraglider soaring along a small cliff: he had never seen one! On his way back, he enrolled in a paragliding course in the Pyrenees: it's great to fly! Paragliding will become very important in his life: logically after a few years, he moves to Savoie and practices cross country, competition, passes the BEES..... At the same time, in winter he progresses in skiing and works as a rescue worker. Today, paragliding is the sport he practices most (he is a member of the French team since 2006) and is also his job. In summer and winter, he is a tandem pilot in Tarentaise. In spring and autumn in Vendée he practices soaring, winching and paramotoring(

Stéphane is the world record holder of triangle speed FAI 100kms and 200kms flights.

He is also the 2010 France champion of France, winner of 2 world cups (2011 and 2017), and has made some pretty amazing 400+kms flights ofin South Africa and Brazil in 2010 and 2013.

How long have you been flying?

Since 1992

Your harness?

For the competition: Kanibal Race 2

Why Kortel Design?

I have flown with all the Kortel design racing harnesses since the very beginning in the mid-90 (about the 75% of my 500 races + 500h of cross made since 1995).

I felt immediately at ease under the Kanibal race 2. Very comfortable, nicely unstable when thermalling while very stable when transitionning, all thanks to their "dynamic stabilization" system and a high performance profile... and on top of it light to travel!

Your best flight?

Bivouac cross-country flight of the Indian section of the Himalayas.

Any plans?

I'll continue to take part in the World Cup events

I am now very keen with to the cross-country flights in the flatlands in France and trying to learn its secrets... by rubbing shoulders with the best specialists in the discipline.......

Maybe a bivouac flight.