Reflection on Kocoon Harnesses

Unfortunately in life, nothing comes for free; when you improve something on one side you lose something on the other...

Our activity does not escape this rule ...
The cocoons all seem to present a notable gain in performance but unfortunately this is not without perverse effect on passive safety ...

The most

Warmth and comfort in flight


They look pretty awsome!


Large volume.

Change in the aerodynamic balance between wing and pilot... ... and therefore change in the behaviour of the flying system, especially in the case of a probleme.

Impeded takeoff and landing.


Everybody's old enough to make their own judgements. Nonetheless, it is still interesting to look at the crucial problem of cascading incidents:

Should we consider flying our wing differently in certain situations?

The slightest crosswind gust on the cocoon pushes the pilot into a yaw ... Correlated to a poor management of flight incidents, the pilot can find himself twisted very easily!

The air flow along the cocoon during a flight incident, or during a cascade of incidents, will act on the cocoon in the same way as a crosswind gust.

The specific steering actions are still poorly known. But it is certain that in certain situations it is better to dive into the collapsed side in the first quarter turn of rotation rather than to counter the collapse, in order to avoid the twist !!!!!

The first reflex is to bendyour legs to limit the influence of the cocoon on the pilot's yaw.

Don't forget to anticipate pulling yout feet from the cocoon for landing ... except for the members of the French sack race team!

If you have any doubts about your ability to master piloting with a cocoon, stay classic!