244 kms in the Jura ...

Arthur MOINDROT, Team Kortel pilot, tells us about his day on May 3, 2021.


After this week of exceptional conditions, it's time for 2 weeks of exams. The weather was poor, good news for me. After a week, a slot opens up on Monday when I have no exams: reviews will have to wait. I decide to go up to my favourite take-off. The forecast is for some serious instability, but very low ceilings and significant humidity.

To reach this wild summit (Crêt de la Goutte, 1620 metres) you have to walk for about 1 hour and 15 minutes with more than 30 kilos on your back for 450 metres of altitude gain.

At 10 am, the atmosphere is humid and the ceiling is low (about 1100 meters), but the sky is all lit up on the ridge just behind (about 1800 meters).

Western orientation, beautiful sky over the Catray and the Champfromier take-off

Western orientation, beautiful sky over the Catray and the Champfromier take-off

Eastern face, towards the Geneva basin with low ceilings, humidity and shade.

Eastern face, towards the Geneva basin with low ceilings, humidity and shade.

I try to wait until 10:30 (warm and comfy in my harness), and allow myself to take off when I see a small opening between the clouds.

Passing between the clouds after take-off.

Passing between the clouds after take-off.

And off we go for 40 kilometres towards the north with a ground level between 500 and 700 metres: there is no room for error! The conditions are already exceptional, with a very high thermal frequency and big varios. I choose a "full bar" regime to cope with the light north-east wind. 41 km in 1 hour and 20 minutes.

On the way back, the southern breeze is already well established and against me, but the return is still very good. I make it back without too much trouble to the Col du Sac (the first full thermal that allows me to jump to the other side of the ridge), despite a low point at about 150m. A big downward wave on the other side, I attack the 6 km transition at 1200m altitude. I emerge with a bit of luck despite the 20km/h breeze at the bottom, and advance towards the Grand Colombier.  

First and only real complete thermal of the flight, I hit 1950 meters to transit to the Dent du Chat (4h flight /125 km). I allow myself a little time to recover with 2 small thermal relays.

In the thermal after my first low point in Switzerland.

In the thermal after my first low point in Switzerland.

The magnificent view from the Grand Colombier, comfortably seated in my Kanibal Race II.

The magnificent view from the Grand Colombier, comfortably seated in my Kanibal Race II.

Stopping at Dent du Chat, pushed by the northerly wind, and full bars (possible thanks to the adjustable ABS system integrated in the harness which allows me to hold the glider at this speed), I make up some time (5 h at 170 km) that is to say more than 32km/h average on this beginning of flight.

In the euphoria of considering a 300 km flight, I let go and find myself at 60 m/ground under the takeoff of Saint-Pierre de Genebroz. I lost a lot of time but managed to catch up  a bit low on the ridge of Saint Laurent du Pont.

Second low point, in Saint-Pierre, not feeling too calm.

Second low point, in Saint-Pierre, not feeling too calm.

I decide to turn back at 82 km from take-off (for the federal distance cup, I have to land before 7 pm). I then start a return flight facing the north wind, it's long but I know how to do it. It goes pretty well until the Dent du Chat, where the wind shifts a little more west, then southwest. Two off-cycles and I end up back at 200m/ground on Chanaz, rolling up an anemic thermal but which allows me to cross the lake and throw myself at 200m/ground on the Sapenay. I'm on time. I climb up to the Mont des Princes. Without refueling, I leave at 1300 m/ground for a final glide that allows me to do 12 kilometres (landing in Vanzy at about 10 km from takeoff).

Happy to complete my first Jurassic 200km, after more than 2 years of waiting. It is also my 3rd 200 km in 2 weeks. Result: 8 hours of flight and a flat FAI triangle of 244 km, not far from the Jura record (it would be 251 km).


Nice and compfy in a comfortable harness, versatile thanks to the stability adjustment and with a powerful sppedbar. Can't wait to get back in the air and aim for bigger things.

Second low point, in Saint-Pierre, not feeling too calm.

Many thanks to my partners: Kortel Design, Air 3, Geoma Conseil and the garage A.M autos who accompany me in my progression.