Pierre REMY

Pierre REMY

Team competition

Pierre is 33 years old, father of two girls, he lives and works in the Pyrenees. Very attached to his mountains he is one of those rare pilots who have not left their corners to reach the top level.
Works at Nervures as a designer and test pilot since 2011, member of the French team since 2014.
He started paragliding in 1998, competitions in 2003, French champion under 21 years in 2004, French champion 2009 and 2017, FAI European champion by team in 2016, FAI World champion in 2018, FAI World champion by team in 2017, Vice European champion by team in 2018, Winner of the PWCA Super final in 2018, World champion by team in 2019.He is also passionate about Skiing, Ski touring, Snowboarding, Speedflying, and most of the fun stuff that touches the mountain.

How long have you been flying?

I did my first beginner's flights in October 1998, I was 12 years old, but I already had many hours of kiting and mini flights on the school slope.

Your harness?

A Kanibal Race II, a Kolibri pro.

Why Kortel Design?

Kortel Design is a real harness manufacturer who's built a great know-how over the years. About ten years ago I already had a Kanibal Race, I was very happy with it, so as soon as the Kanibal Race 2 arrived I tried it and found it perfectly adapted to my flying in competition/cross country.

Your best flight?

This may take some time! With a little over 20 years of paragliding I have a lot of memories.

Obviously my 2 big podiums in international competition, FAI world champion in 2017 and winner of the 2018 World Cup Superfinal, it was the fulfillment of my dreams...

But also the cross country flights I was able to do around my home, in the Hautes-Pyrénées, big triangles in search of performance or simply small cross country in very wild areas just to wander around and have a good time.

Any plans?

I've just submitted an application for the X-Pyr 2020, we'll see if I'm chosen, but after 15 years in competition I'd like to see other aspects of paragliding, and the X-Pyr is in the Pyrenees so it motivates me even more.