Jonathan MARIN

Jonathan MARIN

Team competition

Dedicated to anything that flies since his youngest age, he began flying in a plane at 14 and got his pilot's licence at 15 years old. He started paragliding shortly after, but only bought his first wing at 20 and that's when his motor-less flying really begins.

He began competition flying in 2008 at the same time as he started training to become an instructor.

How long have you been flying?

Since 2003.

Your harness?

Kanibal race 2

Why Kortel Design?

The Kanibal race II is simply the perfect harness for competitions and the very demanding cross-country rider. Completely adjustable, it is super comfortable and its aerodynamics brings a small gain in performance, always good to take.

Your best flight?

I have so many... I'd say when I made it to the number one step podium of the French Championships in Val Louron, where 7 years earlier, I was participating in my first France championship and I watched with envy my friend Pierre Rémy winner that year.

My most beautiful flight is certainly the one from last year when I broke the distance record of the Massif Central, taking off from my home, the Massif du Pilat. I managed a flight I never thought possible. It's great to leave from your house and to land in a place you don't know, a place you've never set foot on.

Any plans?

I'd like to attempt some serious flight in the plains this winter in the southern hemisphere and why not go tickle the distance world record.