Team adventure

Flying has always been integral to David's life. His father flew hang-gliders and paragliders from the very beginning. So David learned to paraglide at the age of 16 near his hometown of Munich, Germany. At that time, almost 30 years ago, the equipment was still bulky and heavy. After attempting some ascents with the intention of flying from the top, he finally concentrated solely on mountaineering and became a UIAGM mountain guide. Since then, his passion for the mountains has become his profession and he now focuses on climbing 8000m summits in a style that is as fast, light and as pure as possible. In 2016, David re-discovered flying, now much better suited to his style thanks to new ultra-light wings and harnesses. Since then he has been trying, whenever possible, to climb mountains and fly from the top. His dream is now to achieve this on the great mountains of the Himalayas.

How long have you been flying?

I started at the age of 15 but stopped after about 5 years and started again in 2016.

Your harness?

Kliff II

Why Kortel Design?

Because at Kortel Design, I see a passion, attention to detail and in-depth knowledge that fascinates, inspires and motivates me.

Your best flight?

Flying over "l'Aiguille Verte". I remember screamin with joy and relief for a long time after take-off!

Any plans?

Improve my skills here in the Alps with climbing and flying combos, and finally be able to fly from the 8000m summit. That would be the dream of a lifetime!