Baptiste LAMBERT

Baptiste LAMBERT

Team competition

Baptiste, 23 years old, is a student in Grenoble.
After hundreds of hours of tandem flying with his parents, he started to fly alone at the age of 11 and has been flying ever since. But that's not all he does : Kitesurfing, and he just started acrobatics (well ok, it's still paragliding...).

In 2015 he finished Champion of the Reunion Island. He then moved to Grenoble, which opened the doors of the international circuit:
1st in the Belgium Open in 2016, 10th in the World Cup (Serbia) in 2017, Winner of the Pre World Cup in Reunion and 20th in the Superfinal in 2018 ... He also participates actively on the Federal Cup of Distance.

How long have you been flying?

I fly alone since I was 11 years old (2007), but I flew tandem with my dad at age 5.

Your harness?

I have been flying the Kanibal Race II since the 2018 Superfinal. It is a harness without equivalent in terms of comfort of use and efficiency. It offers innovations that give me a definite advantage during the flight (ABS, adjustable masts...). 

Why Kortel Design?

Performance, comfort, innovation, durability... the Kortel design team takes the time to finish its products, which is felt in my experience with my harness.

Your best flight?

I have a lot of beautiful memories in mind, from seaside flights to flights at 4000m in the snowy mountains.

Any plans?

Land a podium on a World Cup or a Superfinal, achieve a world record in round-trip, win the Federal distance Cup, a French Championship...