Team competition

Justin Puthod is a native from Chamonix Mt-Blanc. He is an engineering student in work-study program with Kortel design since 2021, and is part of the AuRa (Auvergne Rhônes-Alpes) free flight league team. He is into paragliding since 2017 and many other mountain sports like skiing or mountaineering. His passion for flying and his thirst for adventure drive him to fly more  to discover new regions. Whether in France or abroad, Justin always takes a sincere pleasure to discover new places through paragliding.

How long have you been flying?

Since 2017. My father was already practicing for a long time, and by dint of doing tandem with him I wanted to try by myself.

Your harness?

My harness ? I have two, a Kolibri EVO for walking and flying but especially a Kanibal Race II which accompanies me in competition and cross country!

Why Kortel Design?

Kortel Design: for its high performance products and a workshop close to my home. Moreover, I have not found anywhere else the comfort of my Kanibal Race II.

Your best flight?

A FAI triangle of 300 km stabilo in stabilo with Timo LEONETTI. A magnificent end of flight crossing the Ecrins and Queyras massif at more than 4000m altitude. A return to the Agnel pass above the clouds on the Italian side !

Any plans?

Performing the best I can on the world cup stages, pushing the limits of distance flying in the Alps and in the plains, some projects like Brazil, Texas, Australia or South Africa are also very present in my mind. As well as a trip to New Zealand or Pakistan.