World Record of altitude by Antoine Girard


I made a journey of 19 days and 1260km in flight Bivouac paragliding in solitary in the Pakistani Himalayas.

Despite a capricious weather the trip was marked by several highlights:

- Crossing of the Deosai plateau by flying. A wild plateau at 5000m with no real relief

- Bypassing Nangat Parbat (8126m) and passing through high passes

- A 150km flight along the Biafo and Hisper glacier between Karimabad and Payu. Passage by the foot of Spantik (Golden Peak, 7027m) and 60km of glacier crossed

- A flight of 120km including 60km over the Baltoro glacier

- The flight over Broad Peak (8 051m) and the climb to 8157m!

- A flight of 248km which is the record of flight distance of Pakistan


The most striking fact and the rise to more than 8100m and the overview of the Broad Peak (8 051m) is a world premiere. After many tries the world of paragliding it is long questioned about the real possibility to climb above 8, 000m with an air lift too low.

We now know that it is possible.