Kruyer III, tested and approved in the Himalayas...

At Kortel, we rely heavily on our network to help us in the R&D process, ensuring that our products are tested and approved. Our ambassador Malcolm WOOD took the latest prototype of Kruyer III prototype to the Himalayas to put it through its paces as part of a test and development phase for this latest version of our mountain harness.
Malcolm was in the Himalayas with his team to film the final chapter of their upcoming environmental documentary, "The Last Glaciers". As an athlete who spends a lot of time climbing and flying in the mountains, he could no longer ignore the obvious - that these environments were being devastated by climate change, and so the idea for this film was born.

In the Hindu Kush Himalaya region, melting glaciers and climate change are putting millions of people at risk due to the uncertain future of water access. After summiting in Nepal's Langtang Valley, Macolm and his team were able to clearly see the multiple devalued glaciers, of which there was little left due to their dramatic retreat and melting - a truly shocking sight.
As a paraglider pilot, Malcolm used his free-flying skills to assist in the filming, including high mountain flights as a tool for aerial and photographic capture... a unique method of taking pictures from the sky! Follow them on @thelastglaciers and @malcolmgwood to keep up with adventures and news.